
Chachacomani South Route

  • Altitude: 6,100m
  • Duration: 6 Days
  • Physical Rating: 4Technical

This peak is in one of the least visited areas of the Cordillera Real and is the perfect challenge for the ice climber with some experience already under his belt. The routes to the summit have been very rarely tackled, so if you are after a very unique climbing expedition, this is the one for you.



Depart from La Paz towards Lake Titicaca and the town of Copacabana until we reach a detour which will take us to the Amahuaya pass (5,120m). Dropping down after the pass, we enter into an area known as Llocolloconi which is where we will establish our first campsite.


A day of trekking, to our second camp which is beside the Leche Khota Lagoon (4,650m). All equipment will be transferred by llamas on this day.


Ascent to the high camp at 5,500m, from which we can see the beautiful "three Marias" mountains.


With a 2.00am start, we will make our attempt for the summit of Chachacomani (6,100m), which takes on average six hours. From the summit we will return to the high camp.


Return to the camp at Leche Khota Lagoon.


Return to the Potrera pass before descending to Lloco Lloconi where our vehicle will be waiting for our return to La Paz

Did you know?

Less than 5 groups on average attempt this peak each year.

I was impressed at how professional Bolivian Mountains was, looking at some of the other guides on the route this was in stark contrast! If I manage to get some more time off work I'll use you again to try some of the other peaks.
Chris McFaul, Huayna Potosí April 2005

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